
Welcome to PROTECT

PROTECT: Automated model-based surgical planning tool for PROstaTE Cancer brachyTherapy

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Mission & Objectives

PROTECT project, takes up the challenge of boosting the accuracy and efficiency of High Dose-Rate BrachyTherapy (HDRBT) through an automatic, data-driven, cloud-based, computer platform for the realistic training of preoperative and intraoperative planning of HDRBT. We aim to establish a cutting-edge generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) framework for automatic delineation of the prostate gland and urethra during HDRBT, which will provide a substantial speed-up over manual interventions, reducing the chance of errors, optimizing the application of therapy and minimizing harmful side effects. In addition we aim to deliver a novel in silico modeling tool for personalized predictions of needle insertion that account for the induced deformation on the prostate tissue.