
Project Overview


Work Package 1

Project Management


WP1 will oversee the project progress, ensure smooth operation of all tasks, within schedule and budget. It involves (a) the coordination of all administrative (financial, contractual) matters, (b) the coordination and monitoring of all scientific aspects, preparation of progress reports to RIF and deliverables. WP1 concerns the communication among partners and networking events, while attention on gender issues will be taken.

Lead: GMI

Working Package 2

Dissemination and Exploitation Activities


WP2 will organize and carry out all dissemination and exploitation activities to outreach PROTECT: (a) Share the research outcomes with the scientific community. (b) Promote our research to the general public to raise awareness on biomedical research and its impact to the society and economy in Cyprus. (c) Foster new collaborations and (d) attract funding to valorise our R&D products and actively pursue exploitation.


Work Package 3

Image Data Acquisition, Collection and Processing



WP3 will build a novel and unique in Cyprus dataset of medical data prior, during and post-HDRBT. Comprehensive, high-resolution medical images (MRI, TRUS) of the prostate and surrounding tissues will be acquired at different stages of the procedure – retrospective and prospective data will be collected and anonymized. WP3 will also build a foundation model for automatic segmentation of the prostate gland and urethra, that will be fine-tuned using manual segmentations performed by GMI’s experienced clinicians. PCa patient data will be also used to inform and calibrate HDRBT modelling in WP4.

Working Package 4

In Silico Modelling and HDRBT Simulator


WP4 will develop the in silico models of needle insertion and prostate deformation, to ultimately build the HDRBT simulator. WP4 will simulate needle insertion via the MfGM, while great effort will be made in the GPU-based parallelization of our in-house code, to enable ultra-fast simulation times, and the validation of the in silico modelling platform using appropriate prostate phantom devices. Pertinent patient-specific data from WP3 will be used (i.e., prostate geometry, number of needles, etc.) to feed the simulator.

Working Package 5

Platform Development, Assessment and Demonstration


WP5 will collect, analyze and prioritize the specification and requirements of PROTECT’s image processing and in silico models, WP3 and WP4 respectively. WP5 will also specify the implementation roadmap for transforming these research methods into cloud-based commercial services through 3aHealth’s EHR system, accompanied via intuitive user interfaces and interactive visualization components. WP5 will finally test and validate the PROTECT platform in GMI’s clinical environment to deliver at TRL7

Lead: 3aHealth

Milestones timeline

April 2024
July 2024
Project website and LinkedIn page M3
October 2024
application to
RIF-KTO for commercialization/
innovation support M6